Thursday, March 06, 2008

My Marine

I chatted with my Marine in the sandbox this morning via IM. He sent some pix I thought I'd share. There is an 11 hour difference, so when it's 9am here it's 8pm over there. This means most of our chats happen when I'm at work.

I usually here from him where they can use the Internet for 'free', but this location doesn't allow use pf outside media (no USB or CDs) to upload pictures. AND they have a 30 minute limit. It's not a bad thing, the PCs do have IM so we can have a quick chat now and again. I'm sure you're thinking the pic on the right could be anybody, but I actually can see it's my Marine by his hands. This was a chilling reminder that he's 'really there' ~ so far away.

Today when we chatted he was at the 'Internet cafe' on base where he is able to use his laptop for a cost of $5 per hour. Not too costly, but I guess it's located on the OTHER side of nowhere from his quarters and it's a mighty walk.

He wanted me to send pictures so I sent what I had at work, but I'm thinking I'll send more via email later from home.

Anyone interested in sending packages can check back next week. I'll post the address and 'requested items' after I have a chance to wrangle the list from my Mom. She was going to 'type it up' but I still haven't seen it. One thing they can always use is batteries. "AA" and "AAA" are always in demand.

Boy, just looking at this shot makes me tired.


Aura said...

Ok wait... if he's getting porn from the cousins, I just have to ask (and equally afraid that you'll answer) what the AA and AAA batteries are for. Do I even want to know?

Lesa~Dragon said...

I don't think you really want to know!

Actually the snappy answer is 'personal/handheld devices' but that just sounds so wrong. Get your mind out of the gutter. Think Digi-camera and MP3 players.