Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Has this ever happened to you?

Today on the way to catch the bus home, I lost my cell phone. I know, you're asking your self how is this possible? I asked myself the same damn thing when I couldn't find it to check the time.

It was a 'warmish' day in Seattle today, and I stuffed my sweater coat into the rolly computer bag plopped my purse on top and headed off to find my ride home. I work two blocks, a mere two blocks, from the bus stop. Somewhere along the bumpy ride over the curbs and uneven roadway the phone must have bounced out of the pocked in my purse.

When I realized it was missing, I scurried back the way I'd come, to track down my wayward technology. Sadly, it was not to be found on the street so I went back to the bus stop to wait for my coach. Then I pulled out my blackberry, and send an email to Dub, and "I'm thinking.. he never checks his mail.. now what?"

Thankfully my B-berry allows Yahoo! Messenger.. I figured there had to be someone I knew online just after 5pm to contact Dub and let him know I was on the bus, sans phone. I contacted one of the ladies in my writing chapter and she was kind enough to phone Dub and pass along the message.

I was also able to contact my carrier and let them know the phone was MIA. The customer support dude de-activated the phone, so that it could not be used to download things I didn't want to pay for.. and tomorrow AM I'll have it activated again and try to contact whomever has my missing communicator.

To Be Continued.....

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