Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lazy Weekend - sorta..

I feel a little bit guilty for not writing this weekend, but then I didn't work either. Neeper spent the weekend with Aura and Mario so we had the house to ourselves all weekend. Seems like she had a good time with A-button and B-button (Mario's Twins - to be renamed later, maybe), but I asked that the computer time be limited, and I'm not sure that was enforced. Out of my control, water under the bridge .. moving on.

I spent most of my time sewing a pair of PJ's for Neeper. It's been a long time, and I was feeling the need to be crafty. Dub worked on Saturday, so I spent some time with George, Brad and Matt (and the rest of the Ocean 11 & 12 crew) while I was cutting, pinning and stitching.

The PJ's are a custom 2 piece job with a longer than usual shirt and shorter than expected (capri length) pants. I intended the shirt to be long, sleep shirt length, so it could be worn on it's own or with the bottoms - and that works pretty well. I didn't want to fuss with buttons or snaps, so I stitched the front together and called it done. It looks a little bit like a Kimono, but she likes them - so all is good. I have muchos more fabric to work on, but this time I'll take measurements before I start cutting. ~ grins ~

I did a little laundry and other chores while I was at it, but mostly me and the cats!

I'm amazed, actually, that I felt much like doing anything. Friday night, after dropping off the Neeper in Seattle with Aura - I picked up Dub and we went to our favorite local watering hole. No wait, I met him downtown, I had a couple Jack/Coke combos while I waited for him to be off work. THEN we went to our favorite local watering hole and Zach was a nice bartender and gave me TALL Jack/Coke combos while we played video games and waited for our dinner. Bar Burgers at the BEST!! Several Jack/Coke combos later, Dub drove me home and I poured myself into our lovely (almost 45 days old) king size bed! AH... and I was out! This was early, actually, around 10:30 or so if I recall correctly.

I tried to watch TV, but I was exhausted and so J/C'd that it didn't pay to stay awake. Dub was in bed a little while later cause he had to work the next day. AH.. what a wild life.

Sunday, not much doing. I whipped the PJ pants together in morning but I needed to measure for the elastic. (oops) It was rainy off and on, and I cat-napped in the office in between chores but that's as close as I was to the computer all weekend.

Monday was total craziness again, and today has been just as weird. I guess I COULD have taken advantage of no interruptions and put some more words on the but it was damn nice doing must what I wanted.

This will not help me finish the MS on time, but.. WILL help me keep what little sanity I have left.

More words on the morrow!


Anonymous said...

Hey Pope, I sent you a newsy email tonight. My man thinks I should write a blog, but I don't know about BB seeing my stuff. How does it work?

Lesa~Dragon said...

Hey MM,
I saw that, and responded (a shorty missive cause my finners were having fun with the delete key.. actually it was the select all function coupled with delete.. but - whatever it's poofed.)

I think you'd be a most excellent blogger. Not sure what a BB is - but lets chat!

Thanks for finding me!

Shelli Stevens said...

OMG you can sew?! I wish!!!

Lesa~Dragon said...

Shelli you're a riot. Yes, I sew. Used to do a lot of it when I was younger. I'd really forgotten how much fun it can be!

Sadly, it's a skill they don't require in school these days, but my Mom worked for a fabric store for years - so I learned early.

Mom has made 3 wedding dresses. Two of her sisters, and mine. Granted, lots of help was needed,

I think I started sewing for myself in 5th or 6th grade. They were never designer quality, but I did it and i wore them to school.

I sewed a little for my kids too, when they were younger. And my ex.

Maybe I shouldn't tell you I knit and Crochet too!?