Friday, December 08, 2006

Let's do the time warp again.... 6 mo in speed review

This is a time warp of semi-weekly proportions...

June, My Mate (a.k.a. Dub) and I flew to MD to pick up the Neeper for the summer. The day we left, one of my kitties had a blood clot and had to go to the Vet. Then my daughter (we'll call her Buffy for now) reached the age of 18, and the family went bowling to celebrate. The next week my Divorce was final. Buffy graduated High School the following week and her dad came up for the event. June saw lots of calls from Neeper's mom, much turmoil (catch up here) and head scratching about her future. Kitty improved, and the mercury began to rise in Seattle. The work, it just kept coming.

July saw the passing of Dub's Mom, JEast, and more turmoil for the Neeper. Dub started working on the King County Airport Runway Project, and the hours were long! Neeper started coming to work with me more often, as Buffy was making noises about finding a job, and Kitty dislocated his back leg and ended up in a splint. The work, well, it was the work.

Mid/Late August my son, age 20 and we'll call him Jake for now, went San Diego, for Marine Boot Camp. I cried, was moody, and then there was lots of work. Buffy started working for Home Depot, that meant that Neeper had to come with me to work every day. Oh the work!

Beginning of September Neeper started school (hear the loud cheer: YEAH!) and work kept on keeping on. Kitty saw a specialist about the leg and we hoped that it would not come to that. I started cleaning in Jake's room, thinking to move Neeper in there so Buffy could have her space. It was more emotional than I thought - I cried and didn't make it very far.

Late September My Mate started working Sunday's in the bus tunnel and My Roomie started spending MORE time with her boyfriend. And the work kept coming.

In the Beginning of October there was the ECW Conference (note to self, finish the damn post that's in the drafts section) and then there was more work. Kitty's leg was so bad it had to be amputated. I cried, we paid the hefty bill and he came home as a tripod, but on aspirin for the rest of his life.

Mid October Buffy decided to move to Florida to go to school. I cried, was moody and there was the work. She at least packed up her stuff in boxes so I could send it to her, but there was cleaning to do in her room too. Kitty improved and things seemed to be going good, but there was always the work. Neeper had fun with her new cousins on Halloween, but I have forgotten where we hid her candy. Oops!

Early November Dub and I went to see Stephen King at Benaroya Hall. There is a post forthcoming on this one too... I think, a place holder at least! Kitty had a relapse and was back at the vet. They didn't know if he'd recover this time and I cried. Work was work, school was school and my Roomie kept putting words to file on her book. Work, work and more work.

Mid November Dub and I flew to San Diego for Jake's graduation from Marine Boot Camp. We'll call him Private First Class (PFC) or Marine now. PFC came home with us for 10 days, which included Turkey Day. The holiday was great, food and fun and family - but Roomie's boyfriend didn't make it. (He's still in trouble with me for that one!)

Late November we had snow, and it stayed for a couple days. School was closed and I worked from home. Work was done, but backed up more, just love the work.

Early December, Neeper reached the age of 10, though if she'd been any more excited about her birthday she may have exploded before making it there. She went shopping with Roomie for clothes and toys, then we met for lunch and had a mini celebration.

The work was the work, but Kitty had a relapse again and ended up at the emergency vet. I cried and was moody and worked very hard not to bite off the heads of those I love. Sadly I had to put him down the next day. I cried, and spent as much time with him as I could before he had to go. The rest of the day I spent with my folks helping them with a Christmas project, though my heart was not in it, at the very least it was a nice distraction. There is another post about the Moo (Kitty) forthcoming, but it's still too raw to do right now.

It's technically still early December, and I'm so ready for this year to end. Roomie's made leaps and bounds of progress on her manuscript, Neeper's doing well in school though she rushes her work and has nasty handwriting. Dub's been taking art lessons when he can and his drawing is shaping up nicely. I think Buffy's going to have a job at Winn-Dixie soon, if she doesn't already. PFC will be home on or around the 19th for another 10-12 days liberty, and some of the work is easing up. And I've cried all the tears I think I can, without dipping into next year's allotment, so I'm done ok.

That's the news, what there is of it... let's hope the posting will pick up now - these review shows are difficult when the memory fades.


Aura said...

Six months already? Wow, lots has happened in the ups and downs department. We've had our share of losses and so next year we won't have any, right? ((HUGS YOU)) Thanks for the mention. I'll have that book finished in no time!

Lesa~Dragon said...

Yep, or nearly so.

I agree, NEXT year, the only thing I wish to loose is my MIND!

Motivational Dragon is hear to help.. now type damn you type!!

More pages please!

Shelli Stevens said...

That is an intense six months. I'm glad you filled us in. Hugs!

Shelli Stevens said...

Ah you're so sweet! Here's the details to my signing (I'll post them again on my blog this week!)

Saturday, December 16,
from 2pm to 4pm at

Lynnwood Borders at Alderwood Mall (upstairs!)
3000 184th St SW
Lynnwood, WA 98037
(425) 776-7530