Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tag - I'm it!

Ok, fine - I'll play along but I don't have done few MeMe posts, and will make an exception cause I've been tagged by my roomie - Aura. From her blog:

"The lovely Kristen tagged me to write 5 fairly interesting things about myself for all to see."
Fairly interesting? I'm the least interesting person I know, but as I said, I'll play along.

  1. When I was in kindergarden, I was hit in the head with a golf club (3 wood I think) at a friends house. I think that crack in the skull could explain so much!
  2. High School: I flunked typing freshman year (when it was still called typing), and now spend my day doing mostly that. I also played the flute all four years.
  3. I love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches, I ate them even before I was preggers.
  4. I wanted to join the Air Force and fly fighter jets, but I was told that not only was I too short (at 5' 2") but because I was a girl, I would be allowed to fly transports but not fighter jets. I decided to make movies instead, and have an 'almost' degree in Broadcasting, that goes unused as I work for a major financial institution as a business systems analyst.
  5. My cell phone bill once showed I'd used 28,852 minutes in one month. This was an average month.

Happy now? In the spirit of Tagging - I'll tag my buddies Serra and Paula.


Aura said...

So when exactly was the surgery to get the cell phone removed from your ear? Was it painful? :p

Danke. That was fun learning more about ya.

Anonymous said...

28k minutes lmao! I bet it was fun getting that bill fixed lol!

Shelli Stevens said...

Oh man! That's a hefty bill. I hope it was one of those 'i can call them for free' plans.

I used to libe PB and Pickle sandwiches :P

Shelli Stevens said...

And OMG I forgot why i'd come over here. You read my book?! I'm so flattered and happy! The local chapter tends to run from erotic romance. I'm so happy! Thank you Lesa!

Anonymous said...

Did someone say erotic romance? And...meme...Lesa, it's a good thing I love you more than my thigh-high stiletto boots.

Lesa~Dragon said...

Aura - ahem... who used up all their amassed rollover minutes last month? :P

Loribelle - fixed, uh, no - that was an average bill for the time. I had an unlimited plan and made the very most out of it. My Mate lived in Maryland at the time and we 'lived' together thanks to Nextel even with the country between us.

Shelli - Unlimited on one side, and Free Incoming on the other... worked it to the fullest, yes we did. That was before all the mobile to mobile stuff that's out there today. I haven't had a PB n P sammy in a while, but I'm thinkin' maybe this this weekend, to break from the TURKEY!!

LOVED THE BOOK - can't wait to read the others. I'm not scared by a little erotica, heck, or even a bunch of it! It seems the chapter is a bit 'seasoned' if you know what I mean. Not that it's bad, but like RWA doesn't see E-pub as publishing - it's along the same lines I think.

Serra - Yes, Shelli did say that.. follow the linky in her name to find her at her - I very much liked the title I read.

I know - a meme - and yes, I know how much you love them heals - DANKE for stopping by Darling!

Aura said...

Serra- I recommend Pirate's Booty by Shelli Stevens also!

L- :p

Anonymous said...

Bitte babee!