Sunday, March 19, 2006

Book Review: Killer Curves

My roomie has several Roxanne St. Claire books on her TBR (To Be Read) shelf, and she's been on a Historical bent of late, but she'll come round eventually. I picked up Killer Curves at 1/2 Price Books during my last visit, after reading the chapter one blurb on the author site. (I spent a bit of time reading the available excerpts and was thrilled to find even one book by this author on the shelf.)

Right off the starting line I didn't want to like the female lead, but it was out of my control by the end of the first chapter. With the difference in the up bringing of the two main characters, it could have been difficult to find a common ground, aside from the natural physical attraction. This common ground was one of the aspects I enjoyed the most in the development of the female lead. The sex was GREAT, steamy and exciting, while the base emotions and motivation was easy to believe, didn't seem forced. The cast of secondary characters was vividly drawn, leaving each firmly fixed in my mind between scenes. The action on and off the track was fast and I don't recall a time when there was too much drag. I'm looking forward to the other titles Roxanne has to offer, and will be visiting the NEW bookstore near me in the very near future. This author is on my 'must have' list.


Pandora Wilde said...

One thing I hate about life lately is the no time to read thing.

Lesa~Dragon said...

Serra, I decided a long time ago I had to MAKE time to read. I find the time riding the bus to and from work - not much else you can do.

I'm exploring e-books as well - so when I'm outside, or doing housework, I can still be reading.