Sunday, March 12, 2006

Book Review: Bitten and Smitten

Michelle Rowen is a new author currently working in Pranormal Romance, and her first book is called Bitten and Smitten. As excited as I was at the prospect of finding a new FAV to add to my list, I was a little disappointed in this book. The main female character is likeable and there is a lively group of seconary characters that were very well written. When my roomie asked me what I thought the first words that came to mind were 'not enough sex.' Not enough? Try none at all. This is fine, and would have been ok, if I had felt the two main characters had spent enough time together learning about each other to know their own feelings. It's not like they had different story lines that didn't cross, it was just not enough for me. I enjoyed the book, for a 'sweet' romance with a lot of violence, and the numerous Buffy the Vampire references were good for a number of laughs. I wanted more from the hero, but thankfully didn't spend much time at all wondering how the female lead could "be so dumb!" I could suggest this book to someone who doesn't like a lot of steamy action between the characters (but I don't know any) and I could even suggest this as something my teenage daughter might read. I will seek out Michelle Rowen's next book, and then decided if the belongs on the FAV list.


Aura said...

" I enjoyed the book, for a 'sweet' romance with a lot of violence..." That line just sounds so wrong, LOL! I might borrow the book from you but I don't know when I'd get to it... ;)

Lesa~Dragon said...

It does.. oh well.. I'm not sure what else to call it.

You're welcome to borrow, since you bot it for me even, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give it up to the used book store. You're TBR shelf is MUCH larger than mine.. AHEM.. so you betta move along on it.

This wasn't a wall thumper, there was plenty of action... just missing some of the more STEAMY kind I like so much.