Monday, February 05, 2007

I just can't see where it's right...

I'll probably see a lot of flack for this post, but I don't really care, there are not that many folks that blog hop here anyway, and what the hell, it's my damn blog!

I loathe the Simpsons! Well to be truthful, I don't like many (read: NONE AT ALL) of the 1/2 situation comedies - Friends, Seinfeld, Everybody Hates Ramon - name one - and I'm sure I've tried it and failed to like it. In fact most, I can't even watch 10 minutes of before I'm searching for Discovery or the History Channel or something with claws and teeth!!

Neeper used to watch the Simpsons with her grandfather when he was alive. It was something that they did. I'm sure they talked about the shows, he was a very loving man and there is a very big hole in her life now that he's passed, but I still don't think it's something she or any child should be exposed to under the age of 15. Keep in mind Neeper also saw the Exorcist at age 5, and more than once, because the "adults" she was living with didn't see fit to wait until she was sleeping or even send her out of the room while the watched that nastiness!!!

Why, many ask, don't I like the show? Well... it puts a very bad, bad, bad (did I mention BAD) light on family life, and community. Of the shows I can remember, the kid or the father is always trying to get away with something (typical sit-com plot peeve by the way) and while they most likely don't... the fact that they even tried, sends the wrong message to children. So maybe you had a good childhood and nice family up bringing. You lived in an ok neighborhood and you find the stoopidness of it all funny. Fine.

But what if you didn't have a wonderful family life, and the best neighborhood to grow up in. What if the boob-tube was your baby sitter, and the Simpsons are where you learned your family values. GAG. ME!!

I didn't allow my kids to watch that crap when they were growing up, and I think they had a pretty ok up bringing. So I will not allow Neeper to watch the show, unless her dad watches it with her... and ... he didn't want to last night. So she cried about it. And then we argued about it... and feelings were hurt. It's a dumb damn TV Show, and I will not back down on this.

What is it about the situation comedy that I find so distasteful? It could not be the 'it's really stoopid but I'm going to do it anyway and see if I can pull it off' turkey on my head type of images that were relentless during sweeps. And who the hell cares who was the father of the baby? Give me sex in the bible any day, at least the fiction was original, not baked up crumbs from some other show.

I think I could go on and on and on - cause next I'd pick on un-reality shows - but I think I've ranted enough for tonight. Feel free to leave your comments - and unless they're full of stuff that is totally off topic, I'm sure I'll let them remain.

Ah... that feels better!


Aura said...


Good for you for standing up against the Simpsons. It's not a show for kids. That's why it's on at night and not during the day. It may go against the Neeper's memories, but there are a lot of other good memories that she has with her grandpa that she can hold on to. She doesn't need the Simpson's. Way to go!

Shelli Stevens said...

LOL. I have no opinion on The Simpsons really. My brother and I watched it as children though. Hee hee. My bro had every Bart t-shirt out there!

Lesa~Dragon said...

It's very different for the younger generation - and maybe that's just it - I'm old(er) than the target audience.

Thanks for your comments!