Monday, February 27, 2006

Sex, Lies and Vampires - Dark Ones, that is!

I just finished reading the most current Dark Ones book by Katie MacAlister ~ Sex, Lies and Vampires.

It was a fun read, with plenty of all title elements. Katie's books are exciting because they jump right into the action and it helps to suspend reality for a bit. From each initial encounter for those not inducted into the other-realm of it all, the blend of humor and danger, sorrow and sex is right on the mark.

With very little effort it's easy to find your way to the world where Dark Ones must find their Beloved to save their soul, while mortals must work to fathom the reality of Ghosts, Wards, Mummies, Curses, Charms and Demons - let us not forget the Demons.

I have enjoyed all three books in this series and anxiously await number 4, Even Vampire get the Blues - due out in May 2006.


gapey said...

If this is who I think it is I didn't know you had this blog till you posted a comment on mine. So the D is finally final? Yer changing your last name to Dragon? I don't think I ever knew what your maiden name was. When I got D'd I just kept the same name. I'll probly just keep it and maybe change it if I ever decide to get married again, depending what his last name is I suppose :)

Pandora Wilde said...

Yeah, what Paula said, do I knoze you?

Lesa~Dragon said...

I is.

Paula, yep, change the last name when all is done. A clean break, fresh start kind of thing. Plus, it's unusual!

Serra - you do indeed. Scared?

Pandora Wilde said...

Lesa, can you think of anything that skeers me?

Yer goodies are coming...catch!