Thursday, July 31, 2008

RWA National Day 2.25 (10:45 am) News Flash

B-Berry post, no spell check. :)

In line for 30 minutes for the Blaze signing. It is most annoying there people joining friends ahead of me and the line just doesn't move beause of it. GRUMBLE!!

And there is are group behind me having a very loud conversation, but we've made it to the corner and the door is 20 feet away.

On a high note, Stephanie Bond was chatting up the line 10 minutes ago, and not only remembered what I write from out conversation at the Lit Signing last night, but remembered I am not finished. Squeeeeee!

The HQ rep just came thru and asked folks to help speed things up bu taing just two books. I can do that, if I knew who was here.

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