Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who writes this stuff?

This evening I pulled a bag-o-frozen-pasta-dish from my freezer to use a a base for my mostly home-made dinner. This dish is a Bertolli Chicken Parmigiana & Penne Complete Skillet Meal for Four.

It's been a little while since I've used bag-o-frozen-pasta-dish so I read the instructions to make sure I didn't need to add water or something like that. I'm sure I've read the instructions in the past, but maybe I didn't read them all....

  1. Pour contents of bag into 12-inch nonstick skillet.
  2. Cover and cook over medium-high heat 15 minutes or until pasta and sauce are piping hot, stirring occasionally. Toss and serve.

Now, I was ok with the piping hot instructions, but almost lost it with toss and serve. Maybe this is because deep on the dark corners of my mind I remember I like to play volleyball. When playing volleyball, one must know how to Set, Hit, Spike and the all important SERVE. There are two ways to serve in volleyball.. one is an underhanded lob that can arch or float over the net and drop with painful precision when the other team is not expecting the floaty serve. This is not the I deliver my volleyball serve. I toss the ball into the air and hit it for all it's worth.

Toss and Serve!

The hot PASTA? What a mess. I laughed out loud and had to read the instructions to Dub. He said that would be kinda messy, and you'd probably achieve more distance if a tennis racket was used. This had me laughing harder.

I understand the need for brief clear instructions, but I'm wondering if in this huge package, they could have found space for another word or three. And it's funny, the microwave instructions to not guide you to toss then serve, but stir before serving. Will the serve police come arrest me if I don't toss before I serve?

Going now, to stir, not sure I'll toss, before I serve.


Aura said...

My first thought was, "Why would you want to toss it out and then serve it? Won't it be gross if it's in the garbage first??"

LOLOL Wish I had been there for it. Hee hee!

Lesa~Dragon said...

It was quite tasty! You'd have liked it.